At CBHS we help you manage your health challenges. We believe in offering you the services, support and tools you need to live your best life.
Our Better Living Programs are available to support eligible members towards a healthier lifestyle. Each Better Living Program is subject to its own eligibility criteria.
Contact us for more information and to confirm your eligibility for a program.
How to make a claim
Claiming with CBHS Health is fast, simple and efficient, because we’ve made easy and stress-free claiming one of our top priorities for members. You can make a claim on the spot or online.

How to make a claim on the spot
If your service provider has HICAPS or iSOFT facilities, all you need to do is present your membership card and the benefit will be automatically deducted from the total service fee. If you’re visiting one of our Choice Network providers, you may not have any out-of-pocket expenses to pay.How to get started
First, register online through our Member Centre.
Already registered? Head to the App Store or Google Play, search for “CBHS Health” and start your download.
Dietary services
Health care aids
Occupational Therapy
Osteopathy services
Speech therapy
Wellness benefits.
For hospital claims your hospital will bill CBHS Health directly for everything except for any excess that you pay (if applicable).
For medical claims a doctor who participates in an Access Gap Cover (AGC) agreement might also bill CBHS Health directly. We will be unable to reimburse you the AGC benefits if you pay the accounts yourself.
If your medical practitioner does not participate in an AGC arrangement, you should submit your medical claim to Medicare first. Complete a Medicare two-way claim form and they will forward your claim to us to process the remaining benefit, where payable.